Therapeutic compression stockings, have slipper knitted or woven with double thickness and begins with toes and completely wraps foot to ensure circular action on veins of foot, and knitted or woven envelope extending from foot to thighs
The stockings have a knitted or woven envelope extending from a foot to thighs. A lower part of the envelope is composed by a genuine knitted or woven slipper that is provided with thread having compressive effect and contentives fibers to ensure elective circular compression of plantar veins of the foot and effective return relay in venous. The slipper is knitted or woven with double thickness and begins with toes and completely wraps the foot to ensure a circular action on the veins of the foot.Bas thérapeutique de compression/contention comprenant un véritable chausson compressif destiné à amplifier l'action de la pompe veineuse du pied et à dynamiser le retour veineux dans sa partie la plus soumise au poids de la colonne veineuse.