< Topic >Be able to admire inside from both sides, the kind tank is offered in the living thing which utilizes the permeability of the china.SolutionsIt is the tank which makes the circular framework with the china, sticks the acrylic board to the both sides. Without sending oxygen, the long term water it does not do to change the tank which utilizes the china which has the feature where the water is difficult to rot, the te the living thing is vigorous. To burn the china at high temperature, because you have closed, it is very much strong, the acrylic board is more difficult to crack than plate glass, from the edge strip of the transparent acrylic board underwater can admire.< Choice figure >Drawing 1【課題】両サイドから内部を観賞でき、陶器の通気性を生かした生物に優しい水槽を提供する。【解決手段】陶器で丸枠を作り、その両面にアクリル板を張り付けた水槽である。水が腐りにくい特徴を持つ陶器を生かした水槽は、酸素を送り込まないでも、長期間水変えしなくても生物が元気である。陶器は高温で焼きしめているので、大変堅牢であり、アクリル板はガラス板よりも割れにくく、透明なアクリル板の側面から水中を観賞できる。【選択図】図1