The invention relates to a rotary oven used for producing food products from expanded cereals. According to the invention, the oven comprises an outer metal tube () closed at one end by a cover () with stuffing box for the steam uptake, two supporting disks () being welded at the extremities of the outer tube (), an inner metal tube () being placed inside the outer tube (), said inner metal tube () being provided on its entire length with some steam passage holes (), some copper bars () being arranged in some grooves () related to the outer tube () and the inner tube (), respectively, between the two outer and inner tubes (), the free ends of the two outer and inner tubes () being welded to a valve seat-type piece (), a hinge () ensuring the closing and opening of a cover () provided with a mobile valve () which presses the valve seat-type piece () by means of a screw (), the cover () being secured during the rotation of the entire assembly by a locking mechanism (), during the baking operation the outer tube () being heated at the lower side by a gas burner () and the support disks () rotate in some guide rolls () ensuring the rotation of the assembly by a suitable drive mechanism.Invenţia se referă la un cuptor rotativ folosit pentru obţinerea de produse alimentare din cereale expandate. Cuptorul conform invenţiei este alcătuit dintr-un tub () metalic exterior, închis la un capăt de un capac () cu presetupă de aducţiune a aburului, de tubul () exterior fiind sudate, la extremităţi, două discuri () de sprijin, în interiorul tubului () exterior fiind plasat un tub () metalic interior, prevăzut, pe toată lungimea lui, cu nişte orificii () de trecere a aburului, între cele două tuburi () exterior şi interior fiind dispuse nişte bare () din cupru în nişte caneluri () aferente tubului () exterior şi, respectiv, tubului () interior, capetele libere ale celor două tuburi () exterior şi interior fiind sudate de o piesă () tip scaun de supapă, o balama () asigurând înch