The present invention refers to a process for obtaining an agave pulp sweet that comprises the following steps: selecting the agave heart, which may preferably have from 20 Brix degrees to 30 Brix degrees, cooking the agave hearts in an autoclave for 24 h at a temperature ranging from 120°C to 150°C and a pressure of 00 psi, the hearts being subsequently removed, cut in halves and let to rest for 24 h. Shredding the halves of agave hearts by means of a shredding machine with knives, which leaves the hearts in fibers, like a humid scrub pad milling the hearts in fibers using a hopper where these hearts are temporally stored, then these falling by gravity to the bottom where a couple of knurled rollers are operated, the rollers being rotated in opposite directions so that the heart in fibers is passed therebetween. A first container is located under the knurled rollers for receiving the agave pulp and a second container being used for receiving the dried fiber, which is basically a was te. In this point of the process it is important to stress that unlike the tequila process, water is not added to the agave pulp, since the present invention works with agave pulp and not with agave juice a double screening is performed for separating the fiber remaining in the mill, for doing so the agave pulp is poured into a third container, which has two circularly-perforated sheets one followed by the other, where the separation of the fiber is performed, since said fibers remain trapped in the upper surface of the perforated sheets while the pulp slicks under said sheets. Once the fibers are separated, these will be individually milled, due to their prebiotic value these will be added in a milled manner to improve the texture of the sweet. The mixing process is performed in a fourth container, which has a jacket with electric resistances intended to maintain the agave pulp at a temperature ranging from 95°C to 120°C, said fourth container having mixing blades rotating in an axi s,