Reivindicaci n 1 Una formulaci n de un conjugado de hormona de crecimiento humana de acci n prolongada (hGH)It is composed of human long-lived growth hormone (hGH)Human physiological active growth hormone (hGH) combines with an immunoglobulin (FC) region, a tampon, a non-ionic surfactant and a saccharin. Requirement 2: develop a long-acting human growth hormone mixture according to requirement 1, in which a dissolution formula of the long-acting human growth hormone mixture,This includes an aqueous solution solution solution solution solution solution solution, which includes a mixture of hGH, a physiologically active hGH binding to an immunoglobulin in the Fc region, and an albumin free solution, which includes a tampon, a non-ionic surfactant, and a sugar alcohol. Claim 12: a long-acting human growth hormone complex is prepared according to claim 2, wherein the albumin free solution further comprises at least one of a group of sugars,A polyhydrous alcohol and amino acid 13. Claim 13: develop a long-acting human growth hormone mixture according to claim 12, wherein the amino acid is histidina or glicina. Environmental requirement 32: form a long-acting human growth hormone combination according to requirements 1, 2 or 20, in which the immunoglobulin flora is an Fc region generated by the global atmosphere Management Association, IgA, LGD, LGE or LGM. Requirement 36: develop a combination of human growth hormones with a sustained effect in accordance with item 32,Immunoglobulin region is a 4-region of immunoglobulin that aggregates human beings.Reivindicación 1: Una formulación de un conjugado de hormona de crecimiento humana de acción prolongada (hGH), que comprende un conjugado de hormona de crecimiento humana de acción prolongada (hGH), en que la hormona de crecimiento humana fisiológicamente activa (hGH) se une a una región Fc de inmunoglobulina, un tampón, un tensioactivo no iónico y un alcohol de azúcar. Reivindicación 2: La formulación de un conjugado de horm