The present invention, the screw-device, is a mechanical device foranastomosing hollow tube-like structures in the human body, such as bloodvessels, bowels and ureters. It is thus not restricted to (micro-)vessels. Itcan be used in every surgical operation dealing with anastomosis and bypassoperations. It allows anastomosing end to side or side to side. The screw-device is very easy to apply onto the vessel wall. Screwing is a fasttechnique saving operating time and requiring only basic microsurgical skills.The manufacturing is easy. Another advantage is that the screw-device can bemounted onto the receptor vessel without first opening and/or occluding thisvessel. Later on, the receptor vessel wall can be opened with laser orscalpel. It should be understood that the foregoing is illustrative and notlimiting, and that modifications may be made by those skilled in the art,without departing from the scope of the invention.