The present invention relates to a cutting unit (1) for an agriculturalworking machine(2), in particular for a combine harvester, comprising a frame (3), a cuttingdevice (4)disposed on the frame (3), a front suspension (6) disposed on the frame (3)which isassigned to a first half (7) of the cutting unit (1) and features at least onewheel (8)that can be rotated around a front axle (36), as well as a rear suspension (9)disposed on the frame (3) which is assigned to the second halfof the cutting unit (1) and features at least two wheels (11, 12) that can berotatedaround a rear axle (25), wherein both the front suspension (6) and the rearsuspension (9) are designed as being capable of rotating around a rotary axis(14,15) in relation to the frame (3), allowing the front suspension (6) and therearsuspension (9) to be switched between a transport position and a workingposition.In order to provide a cutting unit that can be more easily adjusted to variousharvesting parameters, the invention proposes that the front suspension (6)and therear suspension (9), when disposed in their respective working positions, canbemoved by means of at least one adjusting tool (16) between a high position andalow position in relation to the frame (3).