1. The use of estriol in the preparation of a pharmaceutical composition for vaginal administration with the possibility of self-limiting the absorption of estriol for the prevention and / or treatment of urogenital atrophy in women, where these women are highly likely to develop cardiovascular pathology or have suffered or are suffering from cardiovascular pathology. 2. The use according to claim 1, where the pharmaceutical composition provides an area under the curve of plasma concentration of estriol with time less than 500 pg / ml · h after administration of repeated doses once a day for a period of 1 to 4 weeks. The use according to claim 2, where the pharmaceutical composition provides an area under the curve of less than 300 pg / ml · h. 4. The use according to claim 3, where the pharmaceutical composition provides an area under the curve of less than 250 pg / ml · h. 5. The use according to claim 4, wherein the pharmaceutical composition provides an area under the curve of less than or equal to 150 pg / ml · h after repeated doses are administered once a day for a period of 2 to 3 weeks. The use according to claim 1, wherein the pharmaceutical composition provides plasma levels of estriol of less than 50 pg / ml after repeated administration once a day for a period of 1 to 4 weeks. The use according to claim 6, wherein the pharmaceutical composition provides plasma levels of estriol of less than 25 pg / ml after repeated administration once a day for a period of 2 to 3 weeks. The use of claim 7, wherein the pharmaceutical composition provides plasma estriol levels of less than or equal to 20 pg / ml. The use according to claim 1, wherein the absorption of estriol is low when the vaginal epithelium is atrophic and the absorption of estriol becomes insignificant when repeated administration of the composition causes reverse1. Применение эстриола в получении фармацевтического состава для вагинального введения с возможностью самоограничения абсорбции эстриола дл