Provided is a method for producing SOS hard butter containing at least 85 w/w% of 1,3-distearoyl-2-oleoylglycerol (SOS) among triglycerides by means of the solvent fractionation method, comprising the steps of: producing a fat solution by using a solvent to dissolve a fat starting material obtained via an enzymatic ester-exchange reaction crystallising out and removing a high-melting-point fraction by maintaining the fat solution at between 10 and 25°C and crystallising out and collecting a mid-melting-point fraction by maintaining the fat solution, from which the high-melting-point fraction has been removed, at between 0 and 15°C.本発明は、酵素エステル交換反応を施して得られた原料油脂を溶剤に溶解させて油脂溶液を製造する工程と、上記油脂溶液を10~25℃に維持して高融点分画を結晶化して除去する工程と、及び上記高融点分画が除去された油脂溶液を0~15℃に維持して中融点分画を結晶化して得る工程とを含み、溶剤分別法によって、トリグリセリド中に1,3-ジステアロイル-2-オレオイルグリセリン(SOS)を85w/w%以上含むSOSハードバターを製造する。【選択図】図1