The invention refers to the carrier of the clamp – the component of the external fixator of the skeleton. This invention solves the technical problem of the construction of the component of the external fixator of bones which may be connected in many ways with the identical or other components, enabling the formation of the large number of the possible connections, so that the surgeon in the course of the operation can in a simple way form the connection that suits him best. At one end of each carrier of the clamp there is a nut (49) which is screwed over the bolt which has the same characteristics as the bolt of the stop screw (51), which is placed at the opposite end of each carrier of the clamp (46). After taking away the stop screw (51, 50) and the nut (49) from the carrier of the clamp and stop screw (82) and the nut (81) from the clamp, can be formed the connections (46B), connected at one end for the carrier (46A), and at the other end with the holder (46V), or the holder (46G) with the clamp (80B) and the carrier (1) is connected on the side with the connective rod (71B).Pronalazak se odnosi na nosač spojnice - komponentu spoljnog fiksatora skeleta. Ovim pronalaskom se rešava tehnički problem konstrukcije komponente spoljnog fiksatora kostiju koja može da se poveže sa istovetnom, ili drugim komponentama, na više načina omogućavajući formiranje velikog broja mogućih sklopova tako da hirurg u toku operacije može na jednostavan način da formira sklop koji najviše odgovara. Na jednom kraju svakog nosača spojnice se nalazi navrtka (49) koja se našrafljuje preko zavrtnja koji ima iste karakteristike kao i zavrtanj graničnika (51) koji se nalazi na suprotnom okrajku svakog nosača spojnice (46). Posle rastavljanja graničnika (51, 50) i navrtke (49) sa nosača spojnica i graničnika (82) i navrtke (81) sa spojnice mogu se formirati sklopovi kao što je (46B) na jednom kraju spojen za nosač (46A) a na drugom sa nosačem (46V), ili nosač (46G) sa spojnicom (80B) a nosač (1