Described is a device for detecting fever in human beings, which consists in a system that is particularly designed for detecting temperature variations in living beings, without any physical or psychological damage, since its operation is performed by devices highly sensitive to any variation in predetermined temperatures. The invention includes a software that is particularly designed for the aforesaid purpose, which is only handled by 7th generation computers, having the characteristic of being started almost instantaneously, which means that, although it runs under a Windows operating system, there is no need for loading any operating system as in conventional computers. The inventive device has highly durable components, it is portable and may operate by itself for at least 25 minutes without being powered to a 110 V power supply, although it is recommended to be powered during operation, in case of a power failure the device having a redundant or emergency system for continuing the operation thereof, the device being therefore continuously operated. The software is encrypted since it was difficult to perform the homologation of the communication protocols from analogue to voice and digital signal, as well as the transformation of input and output ports from RS-232 to USB, So as to maintain the software encrypted.Dispositivo para la lectura de temperatura corporal en seres humanos que consiste en un sistema especialmente diseñado para detectar variaciones de temperatura en seres vivos, sin causar ningún daño físico o psicológico, porque su funcionamiento es por medio de dispositivos muy sensibles a cualquier cambio de temperatura. Esto se realiza por medio de un software diseñado especialmente para ese fin, que únicamente lo pueden manejar computadoras de 7ª generación y con la particularidad de iniciarse casi en forma instantánea, es decir no necesita "cargar" ningún sistema operativo como las computadoras normales, aunque trabaja bajo el sistema "Windows". Pr