A system for providing drug delivery to a patient, wherein said system comprises: a user interface to accept input values from a user, a delivery device of drug that delivers a quantity of drug to a patient , multiple monitors patient health adapted to be coupled to a patient and generate a querefleje signal at least a health condition of the patient, a processor that integrates the user interface, the device drug delivery, and monitors saluddel patient according to a hierarchy of software algorithms so that the amount of fármacoentregado the patient by the device drug delivery is modulated based on values introducidospor the user, and modulated automatically based on a signal generated by health monitors delpaciente without the introduction of additional securities by the user, if the automated action odisminuye maintains a level of the drug wherein said hierarchy of software algorithms includes a state model drug, a decontrol algorithm flow, and an interface algorithm defining said state model of a different delfármaco drug states that allow some adjustments drug level for a target in place deacción (ESC) concentration, and wherein said interface algorithm one of an algorithm infusion controlled rate and unalgoritmo infusion by controlled target running in real time, and being capable deinterfaz algorithm to produce different time profiles of a target drug concentration in different Placesof action.Un sistema para proporcionar la entrega de fármaco a un paciente, en el que dicho sistema comprende: una interfaz de usuario para aceptar la introducción de valores por parte de un usuario, un dispositivo de entrega de fármaco que entrega una cantidad de fármaco a un paciente, múltiples monitores de la salud del paciente adaptados para ser acoplados a un paciente y generar una señal querefleje al menos una condición de salud del paciente, un procesador que integra la interfaz del usuario, el dispositivo de entrega de fármaco, y los monitores de la saluddel paciente