An enteral feeding unit that reduces the occurrence of gastro-esophogeal-pharynegal reflux during feeding includes an automatable feeding pump with a feedback sensor for sensing a relative pressure in a patients stomach and esophagus, and a regulator system for controlling and monitoring feeding rate to the patient as a function of the relative gastro-esophageal pressure. The system includes a stomach probe that provides a fluid-tight closure of the esophagus. The stomach probe includes a tampon-bladder for watertight closure of the esophagus, in which the tampon-bladder is formed of flexible and/or elastic material. At least an inner cavity of the bladder is provided for the reception of a fluid medium. A prescribed pressure for the medium in the tampon-bladder (53) is maintained by an inner lumen forming the stomach probe, from which an outer hose-like lumen (62) extending to the tampon-bladder (53) is so arranged that between the outer lumen (62) and the inner lumen (61) a channel is formed connected to the inner cavity of the tampon-bladder (53) arranged on the outer lumen (62) by a number of openings (57). The inner cavity (58) of the tampon-bladder (53) is connected via a canal formed between the inner and outer lumina (62) with a suitably graded reservoir or equalizing vessel for the liquid medium situated above the tampon-bladder and outside the patient.