Condensed pyrimidine substituted Compounds, Preparation Method, Pharmaceutical Composition and use in the Treatment or prevention of heart failure, angina, High Blood Pressure, among other diseases.
The present application relates to novel substituted annellated pyrimidines, methods for production thereof, use thereof alone or in combinations for treating and/or preventing diseases and use thereof for the production of medicinal products for treating and/or preventing diseases, in particular for treating and/or preventing cardiovascular diseases.<;p>;COMPUESTOS DERIVADOS DE 6H-PIRROLO[2,3-D]-PIRIMIDIN-6-ONA SUSTITUIDAS; PROCEDIMIENTO DE PREPARACIÓ;N; COMPOSICIÓ;N FARMACÉ;UTICA Y SU USO; Ú;TILES PARA EL TRATAMIENTO Y/O PREVENCIÓ;N DE LA INSUFICIENCIA CARDÍ;ACA, ANGINA DE PECHO, HIPERTENSIÓ;N, ENTRE OTRAS.<;/p>;