1. Alcoholic beverages suitable for human consumption, including water and ethanol, in which at least five molecules of ethanol are deuterated, and are used to delay the occurrence of alcohol-induced symptoms associated with alcohol consumption.
Alcoholic Beverage which comprises Water and ethanol Molds where at least 5 percent of ethanol is alcohol deuterizado Pharmaceutical; composition; Preparation methods; method that delays the start of itSymptoms induced by Ethanol and prevent or reduce the severity of facial flushing associated with the consumption of alcoholic drinks.<;p>;LA PRESENTE INVENCIÓ;N PROPORCIONA BEBIDAS Y COMPOSICIONES FARMACÉ;UTICAS QUE CONTIENEN UN ALCOHOL DEUTERIZADO DE ACUERDOCON LA FÓ;RMULA 1, Y PROPORCIONA MÉ;TODOS PARA SU ELABORACIÓ;N Y USO. SE ESPERA QUE LAS COMPOSICIONES DE LA INVENCIÓ;NDISMINUYAN ALGUNOS DE LOS EFECTOS COLATERALES NEGATIVOS ASOCIADOS CON EL CONSUMO DE ALCOHOL, TALES COMO RESACAY RUBEFACCIÓ;N FACIAL.<;/p>;