The present invention is directed to a textile material to which one or more antimicrobial and/or hydrophilic and/or stain release agents are adhered. The agent(s) is/are adhered to the textile material in such a manner that they are not released from the textile even if the textile is wetted or washed, so that the textile is reusable. In preferred embodiments, where one or more antimicrobial agents are adhered to the textile, the textile can be used to sanitize a surface in a non-leaching manner, e.g. without a liquid sanitizer, both under wet and dry conditions. Washability and/or usability of the textile are improved where one or more hydrophilic and/or stain release agents are adhered to the textile, which is particularly advantageous if the textile is used as a wipe or for similar purposes. The invention further relates to a method of finishing a textile material by applying and binding antimicrobial and/or hydrophilic and/or stain release agents to the textile material so that the agents are essentially irreversibly adhered to the finished textile material.本發明是關於一種織物材料。在該織物材料有一種或多種抗微生物劑及/或親水劑及/或去汙劑粘附其上。該試劑粘附到織物材料上之後,即使該織物材料沾濕或經過洗滌,試劑也不會從織物材料中移除,使得該織物材料可以重複使用。根據本發明的較佳實施例,由於使用一種或多種抗微生物劑粘附到織物材料上,使該織物材料可應用於以非浸出的方式消毒一個表面,亦即可不需使用液狀的清潔劑,且無論在該織物材料為潮濕或乾燥時,都可用來消毒表面。由於使用一種或多種親水劑及/或去汙劑粘附到該織物材料上,故可改善該織物材料的可洗性及/或使用性。這種優點特別有利於將該織物材料作為抹布或類似目的使用。本發明也是關於一種製備織物材料的方法,該方法包括將抗微生物劑及/或親水劑及/或去汙劑施用到該織物材料上,使得該試劑基本上不可逆地粘附到成品織物材料上。