A dried fruit manufacturing system is provided.The dried fruit manufacturing system includes a storage tank, a washing equipment, a blast freezer, a temperature and pressure control equipment, and an air-dry chamber. The fruit storage box store at least one unripened fruit. The washing equipment fruit is used to flush the fruit, and the rapid freezer for rapidly freezing and preserved fruits. The temperature and pressure control device has a control environment, the temperature and the pressure of the control environment can be adjusted to ripen the fruit. The fruit in an air-dry room is air-dried and dehydrated to form a dried fruit.一種水果乾的製造系統包括一儲存箱、一沖洗設備、一急速冷凍庫、一溫度壓力控制設備和一風乾室。儲存箱儲存有未熟成的至少一水果,沖洗設備可對水果進行沖洗,急速冷凍庫是用以急速冷凍水果,且保存水果,以使水果保鮮。溫度壓力控制設備具有一調控環境,藉由調整調控環境中的溫度與壓力,可使位於調控環境的水果熟成。風乾室可對位於其中的水果進行風乾,已使水果脫水並形成一水果乾。S11~S15...流程圖