A fishing lure system kit comprising an assortment of three distinct groups ofwire blade, bodyand tail components that fishermen manually hand pick and interconnecttogether in the fieldto create at will fishing lures in a variety of patterns, appearances andtypes further capable ofdisassembly by changing component(s) to partially or completely modify lurescreated. Thebody components are crafted in a plurality of design, buoyancy range andfunction are alldesigned to connect at the front to one of the wire blade components ordirectly to a fishingline's terminal tackle. The body components' cylindrical interconnectingmechanism exertsconstant pressure onto the securely locked-in interconnected tail component atthe otherextremity. A kit comprises components of sizes commensurate for fish speciestargeted availfishermen to create a plurality of lure combinations relating to nineconventional types.