Method to Diagnose & or Cure many Human Diseases Including Cancers, Multiple Sclerosis, Asthma, Diabetes, numerous Neurological conditions, as well as many other Inflammatory, Rheumatological, Allergic, Auto-Immune Conditions & potentially thousands of other undiagnosed symptoms of disease, which are all caused by Systemic Human Papilloma Viral (HPV) Infections.
#$%^&*AU2012203725A120140116.pdf#####Abstract A method of diagnosing and treating systemic Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) in particular "viral colonies" is disclosed. This method involves covering the skin of the feet and legs of a suspected infected human with topical applications selected from povidine iodine, potassium permanganate, aspirin, salicylic acid, natural salicin, lactic acid, alcohol, ether and any combination or mixture of them, and detecting "HPV colony centres" or lesions. The method of treatment of the detected HPV colony centres on the infected human includes topically administering any combination, mixture or percentage of aspirin, salicylic acid, natural salicin, paracetamol, phenacetin, whole natural grapefruit, povidine iodine and alcohol. These ingredients may be pureed, crushed, powered and or dissolved in water or grapefruit puree/juice, iodine or alcohol. The method optionally may contain the following further steps: a) initial intestinal cleansing with grapefruit seed extract(GSE) and /or Epsom salts, b) stretching and exercising the core infected area, c) i)treatment of the core infected area with firstly a topical treatment of any combination mixture or percentage of pureed whole potato and /or aloe vera stems mixed with either aspirin, salicylic acid, natural salicin, paracetamol, phenacetin, podivine iodine, alcohol, and/or epsom salts, then the core infected area is wrapped tightly in a sealed layer of plastic sheeting, and ii) secondly treating with another and final topical application consisting of any combinations, mixes and percentages of powdered Tobacco/nicotine, paracetamol, alcohol, Epsom salts, phenacetin, salicylic acid, salicin and/or aspirin. The method is supported or underpinned by a healthy lifestyle, a specified restrictive diet which avoids sugars and wheat products and certain vegetables and restricts the type and amounts of carbohydrates, a regime of daily specified supplements including salt, kelp, GSE, vitamin C