It became weak or inside the device which restores the bone which breaks is used the bone fixed installation and method are disclosed here. Although the bone which breaks is restored it possesses the long shaft where the device which is used, the basic edge, had end, and the longitudinal axis at these time, inside at least it becomes the passage of one reinforcement material inside it becomes the passage of the cavity and the illuminant release it engages possibly in the end of the delivery catheter and the delivery catheter which possess the lumen when one reinforcement material is forwarded at least, the submissive component and the illuminant which are moved to expansion state from contractile state and in order at least to accept one reinforcement material, the adapter which release possibly is engaged and, it includes in the basic edge of the delivery catheter.弱くなった又は折れた骨を修復する装置を使用する内部骨固定装置及び方法がここに開示されている。折れた骨を修復するのに使用する装置は、基端、末端、及びこれらの間の長手軸を備えた細長いシャフトを有し、少なくとも1つの補強材料の通路となる内部空洞と、光源の通路となる内部ルーメンとを有するデリバリカテーテルと、デリバリカテーテルの末端に解放可能に係合し、少なくとも1つの補強材料が送出されたときに収縮状態から膨張状態に移動する従順部材と、光源と少なくとも1つの補強材料を受け入れるために、デリバリカテーテルの基端に解放可能に係合するアダプタと、を含む。