A wearable physiology sensing system is disclosed, which includes a wrist-wearing device for being worn on the wrist, and at least one ear-wearing structure for being put on one ear. The wrist-wearing device has a processor module, an audio frequency supplying unit, and a first optical sensor. The at least one ear-wearing structure has a second physiology sensing unit and a speaker. Accordingly, the processor module obtains at least one physiological signal from the first optical sensor and/or the second physiology sensing unit, and then generates a corresponding sound frequency based on the at least one physiological signal, thereby providing the sound frequency to a user by means of the speaker.本創作揭示一種穿戴式生理活動感測器,用以偵測大腦皮質的腦波,其包括一耳內殼體,具有一腦電電極設置於其上,且該耳內殼體的尺寸及形狀被建構為可與一使用者之一耳廓的耳甲腔、耳甲艇、及/或耳屏間切跡的至少一部分相結合,且進一步被建構為在該腦電電極的位置處提供抵頂該耳廓之耳甲牆、對耳屏、耳屏及/或耳屏間切跡的一穩定抵頂力,以利於透過該腦電電極而取得腦電訊號。200‧‧‧活動偵測電極202‧‧‧參考電極