Beljuchenko Ivan Stepanovich (RU),Белюченко Иван Степанович (RU),Mel'nik Ol'ga Aleksandrovna (RU),Мельник Ольга Александровна (RU),Nikiforenko Julija Jur'evna (RU),Никифоренко Юлия Юрьевна (RU),Slavgo,BELJUCHENKO IVAN STEPANOVICH,Белюченко Иван Степанович,MELNIK OLGA ALEKSANDROVNA,Мельник Ольга Александровна,NIKIFORENKO JULIJA JUREVNA,Никифоренко Юлия Юрьевна,SLAVGORODSKAJA DARJA ALEKSEEVNA,Славгор
FIELD: agriculture.SUBSTANCE: method includes the application of fertilizing before the main soil treatment. For the main fertilizing the complex compost is used, consisting of half-fire-fang manure of the black cattle, phosphogypsum, straw, wastes of animal feeding, wastes of grain after its final purification, post-harvest vegetative residues of sunflower and sugar beet, sediments of waste water and poultry dung at the following interrelation of components (by mass %): phosphogypsum - 7-8, straw - 2-3, wastes of animal feeding - 2-3, wastes of grain final purification - 2-3, vegetative residue of sunflower and sugar beet - 3-4, sediments of waste water - 6-7, poultry dung - 3-4, half-fire-fang manure of the black cattle - the rest, which are composted in a spring-summer-fall period within 4-5 months, mixing in middle of May a manure, straw, phosphogypsum, various types of wastes of animals feeding and grain after its final purification, sediments of waste water and poultry dung with adding of the vegetative residue of sunflower in August - September and sugar beet in the beginning of September, with its mixing each month - month and a half up to maturing. Then the obtained complex compost is brought into the soil in the second half of October in a dose 65-70 t/ha with its consequent embedding down to the depth 15-18 cm , and in spring the grain corn is seeded.EFFECT: method allows to improve efficiency of cultivation of grain corn, to improve environment performance at the expense of recycling of domestic wastes, industrial and agricultural wastes, and also to improve for 4-5 years agronomical properties of soil.1 exИзобретение относится к области сельского хозяйства. Способ включает внесение удобрения перед основной обработкой почвы. В качестве основного удобрения используют сложный компост, состоящий из полуперепревшего навоза крупного рогатого скота, фосфогипса, соломы, отходов кормления животных, отходов зерна в процессе его доочистки, послеуборочных растите