A suspension structure for electric wheelchair, comprising a frame on which is provided two transmission units, two driving units, two front guiding units and two anti-incline units, and at front and rear parts of the frame are provided two dampers, respectively, so as to improve sitting comfort. Each front guiding unit is provided with a front suspension arm having one end pivoted to the frame and the other end connected to a front guiding wheel, and the front suspension arm is also fixed to one end of a torsion spring, such that when the suspension structure passes through a bumpy bearing surface, the front guiding wheel firstly drives the front suspension arm to rotate, and then the front suspension arm turns the torsion spring to make it produce a counterforce, so as to prevent the frame from being overturned, thus improving the using security.本發明提供一種電動輪椅的懸吊結構,其主要包含於車架上設置傳動單元、驅動單元、前導單元及防傾單元,整體架構簡化,且車架的前後均配置避震器,藉前、後避震器緩衝車架通過顛簸時產生的振動或起伏,提高乘坐的舒適性;而前導單元的前懸臂一端樞接於車架,另端則連結前導輪,且前懸臂更固定連結扭轉彈簧的一端以於產生動作時同步扭轉該扭轉彈簧,則當通過顛簸承載面時,前導輪帶動前懸臂樞轉,前懸臂扭轉該扭轉彈簧,扭轉彈簧則產生反向的反作用力抑制車架產生與前導輪同方向的翻轉,而能降低整體車架翻覆的狀況發生,提高使用的安全性。10‧‧‧車架11‧‧‧上側12‧‧‧下側13‧‧‧前端14‧‧‧後端20‧‧‧傳動單元21‧‧‧懸吊架211‧‧‧傳動樞結單元212‧‧‧組接段22‧‧‧傳動裝置30‧‧‧驅動輪40‧‧‧前導單元41‧‧‧前導輪42‧‧‧前懸臂43‧‧‧扭轉彈簧50‧‧‧前避震器60‧‧‧防傾單元61‧‧‧防傾輪62‧‧‧後懸臂70‧‧‧後避震器D1‧‧‧第一方向D2‧‧‧第二方向