The present invention relates to a multifunctional dome type artificial reef of a new structure, which can help finding a proper position to install an artificial reef by observing and recording an environment where the artificial reef is installed. The multifunctional dome type artificial reef according to the present invention comprises: an environment measurement means (60) for measuring an environment around a main body (10); a control means (90) connected to the environment measurement means (60); and a wireless communications means (100) connected to the control means (90) and configured to communicate data with a wireless communications terminal (101) of a manager. The control means (90) is configured to output data measured by the environment measurement means (60) to the wireless communications terminal (101) of the manager through the wireless communications means (100) for every predetermined time. Therefore, it is possible to measure and observe a flow rate, a temperature, an amount of irradiated light, or the like of seawater where an artificial reef is installed in real time, thereby obtaining information on the most proper place to grow and develop shellfish or seaweed at regular intervals, based on a growth and development state of shellfish or seaweed growing and developing in the artificial reef and a flow rate, a temperature, an amount of irradiated light, or the like of seawater, which are consistently collected, and referring the information to choose a position to install the artificial reef.본 발명은 인공어초가 설치된 곳의 환경을 관찰 및 기록하여, 인공어초를 설치할 적절한 위치를 찾는데 도움을 줄 수 있도록 된 새로운 구조의 다기능성 돔형 인공어초에 관한 것이다.본 발명에 따른 다기능성 돔형 인공어초는 본체(10) 주변의 환경을 측정하는 환경측정수단(60)과, 상기 환경측정수단(60)에 연결된 제어수단(90)과, 상기 제어수단(90)에 연결되며 관리자의 무선통신단말기(101)와 데이터통신할 수 있도록 된 무선통신수단(100)이 구비되며, 상기 제어수단(90)은 상기 환경측정수단(60)에 의해 측정된 데이터를 일정시간마다 상기 무선통신수단(100)을 통해 관리자의 무선통신단말기(101)로 출력하도록 구성된다.따라서, 인공어초가 설치된 곳의 바닷물의 유속이나 온도 또는 빛의 조사량 등을 실시간으로 측정하여 관찰할 수 있음으로, 일정주기로 인공어초에 식생하는 패류나 해조류의 생장상태와, 지속적으로