1. The handle control a medical device having an elongate body, a distal node that resides distally relative to the elongate body and having an adjustable configuration wherein the medical device comprises a suction member extending through the elongated body and the distal assembly wherein the control handle comprises: a housing having an outer surface with a formed thereon groove, the actuator assembly comprising: a disk controller, a rotatable user coil with the barrel, inserted into the through hole of the body, wherein the coil has a drum on which is wound around the exhaust member a lock washer mounted on the barrel, wherein a first washer is rotationally coupled with the disk control unit for transmitting rotary motion from the dial on the barrel, wherein the washer has a protrusion moving a groove for guiding movement of the lock washer, at least one washer to create friction, disposed on the barrel ikrepezhny element disposed on the barrel and intended to create a compressive force acting on a washer that generates trenie.2. Control handle according to claim 1, wherein the drum is located inside the handle body upravleniya.3. Control handle according to claim 1, wherein the washer is upravleniya.4 outside the handle body. Control handle according to claim 1, wherein at least one washer to create friction upravleniya.5 is outside the handle body. Control handle according to claim 1, wherein the actuator assembly further comprises a second washer positioned on the barrel housing inside the control arm, in contact with the edge wherein the second washer1. Рукоятка управления медицинским устройством с удлиненным корпусом, дистальным узлом, располагающимся дистально по отношению к удлиненному корпусу и имеющим регулируемую конфигурацию при этом медицинское устройство содержит вытяжной элемент, проходящий через удлиненный корпус и дистальный узел где рукоятка управления включает:корпус, имеющий внешнюю поверхность со сформированным на ней желобкомузел исполнитель