The useful model refers to medicine, to the division of neurology and neuropsychology, and can find application in neuro-rehabilitation departments of neurological and neurosurgical clinics during group sessions on restoring fine motor skills and intellectual activity in patients with a neurological clinic with organic brain lesions of various etiologies.The utility model contains a plastic base (1) of rectangular shape measuring 400-500 × 600-750 mm, 4-6 mm thick, along the perimeter of which there are beads (2) 4-6 mm high, 7-12 mm wide, and the front the surface of the base (1) includes three parts: a central part and two side portions the image of a traditional chess field consisting of 64 alternating dark and light squares (3) of a square shape, 8 cells (3) in each vertical and horizontal row, and at the center of each cell (3) is plotted on the central part of the base (1) a cylindrical projection (4) with external thread is made, the height and diameter of which are made to the size of a standard plastic plug with a diameter of 28 mm and similar cylindrical projections (4) in an amount of 15 pieces are made on each of the side parts of the base (1), where they are more compact in two rows while all the cylindrical projections (4) are designed to wind on them plastic plugs-chips (6).The claimed useful model allows us to conduct classes with patients of the neurological clinic, aimed at the simultaneous restoration of two processes: a) fine motor function by implementing rotational movements of the fingers when screwing-unscrewing the plugs-chips b) intellectual activity by solving logical problems arising in the course of gaming activities. The use of a useful model introduces an element of novelty into the process of studying with patients, transforming them into an interesting and attractive psychological training for patients.Полезная модель относится к медицине, к разделу неврологии и нейропсихологии, и может найти применение в отделениях нейрореабилитации