Intraoral moisture meter (1) includes a swing member (20) which swings about a predetermined pivot center (C) to the body (10), the distal end side of the swing member (20) provided to bias the measurement site in the oral cavity is directly or indirectly contact the water quantity detection unit for detecting the moisture content (30), said swing member (20) in one swinging direction includes a biasing member (40), the. As a result, to provide an orally moisture meter that enables convenient and accurate measurement of the moisture in the oral cavity.口腔内水分測定器(1)は、本体(10)に対して所定の揺動中心(C)を中心に揺動する揺動部材(20)と、前記揺動部材(20)の先端側に設けられ、口腔内の測定部位に直接的又は間接的に当接されて水分量を検出する水分量検出部(30)と、前記揺動部材(20)を揺動方向の一方に付勢する付勢部材(40)と、を備えている。この結果として、口腔内の水分の簡便且つ高精度な測定を可能とする口腔内水分測定器を提供する。