It refers to a kind of surface active component, which includes: (a) 1.2% to 1.8% by weight to carry out analytical polymer test on native protein protein, including SEQ ID 1 sequence; (b) 0.1% to 0.5% by weight to carry out analytical polymer test on native protein, including SEQ ID 2 sequence; and (c) 1, 2-dipalmitoil-sn-glizero-3-phosphate (DPC) and 1-palmitoil-2-oleil-sn-glizer-3-diphenyl phosphate (popg) are between 45:55 and 55:45 by weight. This composition is useful for the treatment of RDS in preterm infants, the mecono vacuum Symphony (MAS)SE REFIERE A UNA COMPOSICION TENSIOACTIVA QUE CONTIENE: A) ENTRE 1,2 Y 1,8% EN PESO DE UN POLIPEPTIDO ANALOGO A LA PROTEINA TENSIOACTIVA SP-C NATIVA QUE COMPRENDE LA SECUENCIA SEQ ID Nº 1; B) ENTRE 0,1 Y 0,5% EN PESO DE UN POLIPEPTIDO ANALOGO A LA PROTEINA TENSIOACTIVA SP-B NATIVA QUE COMPRENDE LA SECUENCIA SEQ ID Nº 2; Y C) 1,2-DIPALMITOIL-SN-GLICERO-3-FOSFOCOLINA (DPPC) Y 1-PALMITOIL-2-OLEIL-SN-GLICERO-3-FOSFOGLICEROL (POPG) EN UNA PROPORCION EN PESO ENTRE 45:55 Y 55:45. DICHA COMPOSICION ES UTIL EN EL TRATAMIENTO DEL SINDROME DE DIFICULTAD RESPIRATORIA (RDS) EN BEBES PREMATUROS, EL SINDROME DE ASPIRACION DE MECONIO (MAS)