A device (10) is provided for use in reinforcing a boundary wall of a patientsabdominal cavity at a site at which a portion of the patients alimentarytract passes through that boundary wall. The device comprises a collar portion(11) for extending, in use, around the alimentary tract (17) at the approach ofthe alimentary tract to the interior of the boundary wall at said site. The devicealso comprises a plurality of petal-like elements (12) extending from the collarportion (11), said elements being arranged so as to extend, in use, outwardlywith respect to the longitudinal axis of the portion of the alimentary tract passingthrough the collar portion and to be attached, in use, to the interior of the boundarywall around said side. The device is preferably, but not exclusively, for usein the prevention or treatment of parastomal herniation in patients having acolostomy or ileostomy or the like. It may however also find other applications,for example in the repair of developed hiatus hernias or the like.