For suspension formulations, include (a) third-generation cephalosporin antibiotics, (b) oils such as rapeseed, corn, cottonseed, olive, etc., and (c) acetoacetate glycerin solvents such as acetylene, Diethyl Ketone, and triethyl ketone. This formula is very useful for the treatment of animal bacterial diseasesREFERIDA A UNA FORMULACION EN SUSPENSION QUE COMPRENDE: a) UN ANTIBIOTICO DE CEFALOSPORINA DE TERCERA GENERACION, b) UN ACEITE TAL COMO ACEITE DE CANOLA, MAIZ, SEMILLA DE ALGODON, OLIVA, ENTRE OTROS Y c) UN DISOLVENTE DE ACETATO DE GLICEROL TAL COMO ACETINA, DIACETINA Y TRIACETINA. DICHA FORMULACION ES UTIL EN EL TRATAMIENTO DE ENFERMEDADES BACTERIANAS EN ANIMALES