The invention relates to a kit of medical instruments for a surgical intervention relating to vaginal vault prolapse of second and third degree after total hysterectomy, with antecedents. According to the invention, the kit comprises a clamp (A) for vaginal pillar-colpopexy, consisting of two long rigid arms (1 and 2) provided with some rear portions (a and b) spaced apart from one another and joined at the bottom by a bridge (3) in front of which the distance between the arms (1 and 2) has the maximum value, they being undetachably joined, forming a front portion (c), narrowing towards a front smooth blunt tip (d), in the close vicinity thereof, an orifice (e) being cut into the front portion (c), in front of the bridge (3) the arms (1 and 2) being distally provided with two eyelets (4 and 5), i.e. a left one and a right one, respectively, with an additional eyelet (6) which is integral with a lower portion (f) of the right eyelet (5) while, outside the long arms (1 and 2), in the vicinity of the bridge (3) and before the start of the front portion (c), there are two short arms (7 and 8), i.e. a left one and a right one, respectively, ending with one of some smooth blunt tips (g and h), the front portion (c) having a proximal curved zone (i) in which the orifice (e) is cut.Invenţia se referă la o trusă de instrumentar medical, pentru o intervenţie chirurgicală privind prolapsul de boltă vaginală de gradele "doi" şi "trei", după efectuarea unei histerectomii totale, cu antecedente. Trusa conform invenţiei are în componenţă o pensă (A) pentru pilierocolpopexia vaginală, constituită din două braţe (1 şi 2) lungi, rigide, prevăzute cu nişte porţiuni (a şi b) posterioare, depărtate una faţă de cealaltă, unite inferior prin intermediul unei punţi (3) în dreptul căreia distanţa dintre braţe (1 şi 2) are valoarea maximă, acestea din urmă fiind unite între ele nedemontabil, formând o porţiune (c) anterioară, subţiată spre un vârf (d) bont, neted, anterior, în imediata aprop