A method for mitigating degradation of a wooden piece immersed in water causedby thepresence of microogranisms in the water and the corresponding wooden piece, inwhich a largenumber of staples made of a material comprising iron are driven into a surfaceof the wooden pieceto be exposed to water.The staples are distributed on the surface of the wooden piece to be exposedto water with ahomogeneous density of staples on the surface of the wooden piece to beexposed to water and adeepness of driving of the staples into the wooden piece. The homoegenousdensity of staples andthe deepness of driving of the staples are adjusted to produce, by means of achemical reactionbetween the water and the iron of the staples when the water immerses theexposed surface, ahomogeneous ferrous oxide barrier on and underneath the water-exposed surfaceof a certainthickness into the wooden piece to protect the wooden piece againstdegradation caused by thepresence of microogranisms in the water.