Method of measuring the energy expenditure of the person working in the respiratory protection apparatus (1) containing the face mask (2) with the exhaust valves (4),at least one cylinder (5) with compressed air coupled with a first-stage pressure reducer (6),which is connected to a flexible tube tube tube (7) with an automatic respirator (8) reducing the air pressure in the tube tube (7) to the pressure suitable for breathing by man and bringing air to the face mask (2) and the bottle (5) with compressed air is attached to the person, the carrier (9) is characterised by the person,the energy expenditure measured shall be dressed in a typical protective clothing and respiratory protective apparatus (1). The breathing machine (8) is then disconnected from the face mask (2) and through the hole in the face mask (2),where the breathing machine was fitted (8),the face mask (2) is connected to the tube element inside which the flow meter is installed. The free end of the tube element is connected to the breathing machine (8). Then the flow-meter connects the electrical cable to the processing system in the housing. The individual parameters of the person being measured shall then be entered into the processing system contained in the housing and the person being measured shall be equipped with such a configured treatment system located in the housing. The person being measured then performs typical, for his /her work, operations by breathing air from the cylinder (5) and in the processing system,in the housing, the flow of air inhaled by the person being measured shall be converted into energy expenditure.Sposób pomiaru wydatku energetycznego osoby pracującej w aparacie ochrony dróg oddechowych (1) zawierającym maskę twarzową (2) z zaworami wydechowymi (4), co najmniej jedną butlę (5) ze sprężonym powietrzem, połączoną z reduktorem ciśnienia pierwszego stopnia (6), który połączony jest elastycznym przewodem rurowym (7) z automatem oddechowym (8) redukującym ciśnienie pow