This Hair is bright to disclose Ke Neng Clip Xian District domain Xi Systems and method of the Yi Seed in what resistance Block mono-. The Xi System may include the Zu Duan Group parts of a Ruo Gan Cover with encapsulating Yi Head Duan Pads Yi Head Duan Cover Head Duan Group parts and one with encapsulating Ruo Gan Pads. Mono- steps of The Xi System Ke Jin include the wall of a Right The Head Duan Group Jian With The Zu Duan Group Jian Inter extensions. The walls such as The may include several filling Gas Agencies parts.本發明揭示一種用於阻擋一床中之可能夾陷區域之系統及方法。該系統可包含一具有包封一頭端墊之一頭端蓋之頭端組件及一具有包封若干墊之若干蓋之足端組件。該系統可進一步包含一對在該頭端組件與該足端組件之間延伸之壁。該等壁可包含若干可充氣構件。