System (200) for feeding an eye implant with energy, comprising: an eye implant (202) sized for placement within an eye, the implant comprising: a treatment element powered by electrical energy (216); and an antenna (224) configured to receive power to operate the power-powered treatment element; and a portable external system (204), comprising: a transmitter (242) sized to be carried on the patient's head or adjacent thereto for its arrangement adjacent to the eye, the transmitter being arranged to emit an electromagnetic flux field sufficient to power the antenna and provide power to operate the treatment element powered by electrical power of the implant; and a power source (244) in communication with the transmitter and configured to provide power to the transmitter in order to emit the electromagnetic flow field, characterized in that the transmitter comprises: a transmission antenna (250) that emits the field of electromagnetic flux; and a flow branch (252) disposed within the electromagnetic flow field and adapted to limit or reduce the volume of flow to unwanted areas, in which the transmission antenna (250) is arranged to be placed between the flow branch (252) and the implant (202).Sistema (200) para alimentar con energía un implante ocular, que comprende: un implante ocular (202) dimensionado para su colocación dentro de un ojo, comprendiendo el implante: un elemento de tratamiento alimentado con energía eléctrica (216); y una antena (224) configurada para recibir energía para hacer funcionar el elemento de tratamiento alimentado con energía eléctrica; y un sistema externo portátil (204), que comprende: un transmisor (242) dimensionado para ser llevado sobre la cabeza del paciente o adyacente al mismo para su disposición adyacente al ojo, estando el transmisor dispuesto para emitir un campo de flujo electromagnético suficiente para alimentar con energía la antena y proporcionar potencia para hacer funcionar el elemento de tratamiento alimentado con energí