Osipova Svetlana Mikhajlovna,Осипова Светлана Михайловна,Prokhorov Andrej Vladimirovich,Прохоров Андрей Владимирович,Gromov Aleksandr Igorevich,Громов Александр Игоревич
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: during ultrasound diagnosis of each Cowpers gland, the shape, contours and echogenicity of the Cowpers glands are examined. Ultrasound is performed transperineally with a 5-12 MHz linear sensor in the seroscreen mode combined with energy Doppler sonography. The length - top-and-bottom size, thickness - front-and-rear size and width - lateromedial size, volume, structure and performance of intraparenchymal blood flow: vascularization degree, maximum linear speed of arterial blood flow in the parenchyma and the resistive index each Cowpers gland are additionally examined. If the Cowpers gland has a rounded shape, fuzzy contours, reduced echogenicity, its length is more than 9.0 mm, thickness and width are more than 6.5 mm, volume is more than 0.12 cm3, its structure is not uniform, the degree of parenchyma vascularization is more than one colour signal, the maximum linear velocity of the arterial blood flow in the parenchyma exceeds 12 cm/s, the resistive index is less than 0.65, acute cowperitis is diagnosed. If the Cowpers gland has an irregular shape, fuzzy contours, increased echogenicity, its length is more than 9.0 mm, thickness and width are more than 6.5 mm, volume is more than 0.12 cm3, its structure is not uniform, the degree of parenchyma vascularization is 0-1 colour signal, the maximum linear velocity of the arterial blood flow in the parenchyma is less than 12 cm/s, the resistive index is more than 0.65, chronic cowperitis is diagnosed.EFFECT: method provides high-precision differential diagnosis of the cowperitis form at complete non-invasiveness of the diagnostic method, taking into account a set of ultrasound criteria that collectively reflect the pathogenetic links of acute or chronic cupritis.2 tbl, 2 exИзобретение относится к медицине, в частности к ультразвуковой диагностике (УЗИ) в урологии и андрологии, и может быть использовано для дифференциальной диагностики формы воспаления бульбоуретральных (куперовых) желез - ост