600545 A condom wrapping is disclosed. The wrapper includes two sheets (4, 6) of a flexible film welded at the edges so as to house a condom (12) in a rolled condition having an annular portion and a vessel. The sheet (4) opposite the vessel of the condom in the normal direction and opposite the normal unrolling direction of the condom is provided with a line of weakness (8) in the form of a circle having a diameter slightly smaller than that of the annular portion. The area of the sheet (4) defined by the line of weakness (8) is provided with a tab (10) arranged at the edge of the line (8) such as to be used as a wrapping gripping and opening means. Once open, the wrapping exposes the condom having the vessel oriented toward the outside, whereby the condom can be gripped by the vessel in the normal direction and is ready to be placed and unrolled.