This creation is the activation Farmland Structures that related what one kind has water-saving recycling,It is used for farming operation and cultivation will be activated,One farmland is mainly cooked up the storage area in center and is arranged in the number cultivation crop ped location on storage area periphery by it,Wherein the surface layer of the storage area and cultivation crop ped location is equipped with the agglutination material bed of material of preventing water leakage,With allow the storage area can by the water source supply of savings to each cultivation crop ped location,And aquaculture or agricultural tillage can be done by respectively cultivating in crop ped location,And by water resource reflux cycle to storage area,With in response to lie fallow or drought water shortage,Stop ploughing equal agricultural problems and can intercommunication each takes what he needs nutrient; Thereby,Reach it is water-saving,The farmland operator of the activated water of resources circulation.本創作係有關於一種具有省水循環使用之活化農田結構,為將活化農田耕作與養殖使用,其主要將一農田規劃出中央的儲水區及排列在儲水區周邊的數養殖耕作區,其中該儲水區與養殖耕作區之表層設有防漏水之膠結材料層,以讓該儲水區可將儲蓄的水源供應至各養殖耕作區,而各養殖耕作區中可做水產養殖或農業耕作,並將水資源回流循環至儲水區,以因應休耕或旱災缺水、停耕等農業問題且可互通各取所需養份;藉此,達到節水、資源循環的活化水質之農田技術者。