Identification, Elucidation and Deployment of a Cytoplasmic Male Sterility System for Hybrid Potato
- 关键词:
- 来源:
- Biology
- 类型:
- 学术文献
- 语种:
- 英语
- 原文发布日期:
- 2024-06-01
- 摘要:
- Conventional potato breeding has produced only limited genetic gain due to the polyploid nature of the crop. In recent years, hybrid potato breeding at the diploid level has been developed to overcome this limited genetic gain. In diploid potato breeding, homozygous inbred lines are developed by self-fertilization, enabling incremental improvements of the material in each generation. This type of breeding requires self-fertility, which makes hybridization of inbred lines labor-cumbersome and results in hybrids that produce many undesirable berries in the field. In many crop species, cytoplasmic male sterility is used to produce maternal inbred lines that are male sterile. In this study, we explore the antherless cytoplasmic male sterility system in potato. We identify a recessive locus that is required for sterility and we show that this trait is expressed in Phureja cytoplasm but not in Andigena or Tuberosum cytoplasm. We implemented this system in hybrid seed production and show that the resulting hybrids set far fewer berries in the field than male fertile controls.
- 所属专题:
- 177