共检索到354条 ,权限内显示50条;
Data from: Microevolution of S-allele frequencies in wild cherry populations: respective impacts of negative frequency dependent selecti
- 负责人:
- DOI:
- doi:10.5061/dryad.pk7v8
- 摘要:
- within populations due to pollen dispersal in spatially distributed individuals, and variation in male fecundity on male mating success and allelic frequency evoluti
Data from: Temperature coupling of mate attraction signals and female mate preferences in four populations of Enchenopa treehoppers (Hemiptera
- 负责人:
- 关键词:
- Enchenopa binotata;insects;Sexual selection & conflicts;vibrational communication;Ptelea trifoliata
- DOI:
- doi:10.5061/dryad.7m67bg9
- 摘要:
- on and selection, with consequences for the coordination of mating across variable environments. We examined how temperature influences the expression of male mating
Data from: Females of a solitary bee reject males to collect food for offspring
- 负责人:
- DOI:
- doi:10.5061/dryad.15dv41ntq
- 摘要:
- and the consequences for female mating behavior have been investigated for only a few model organisms, and mostly under laboratory conditions. We determined the costs
Data from: The unexpected genetic mating system of the red-backed toadlet (Pseudophryne coriacea); a species with prolonged terrestrial breeding
- 负责人:
- Byrne, Phillip
- DOI:
- doi:10.5061/dryad.m0s82c3.1
- 摘要:
- Molecular technologies have revolutionised our classification of animal-mating systems, yet we still know very little about the geneti
Data from: Sperm production characteristics vary with level of sperm competition in Cataglyphis desert ants
- 负责人:
- DOI:
- doi:10.5061/dryad.v7000
- 摘要:
- h as size of testes. Multiple queen mating is the ancestral state in the genus but reduction in mating frequency evolved secondarily and independently in som
Data from: Altered physical and social conditions produce rapidly reversible mating systems in water striders
- 负责人:
- Sih, Andrew
- DOI:
- doi:10.5061/dryad.rq56t
- 摘要:
- Mating systems can vary within-species but the environmental drivers and behavioral mechanisms underlying this variation are seldom investi
Data from: Variation in the benefits of multiple mating on female fertility in wild stalk-eyed flies
- 负责人:
- 关键词:
- wild-caught flies;Teleopsis dalmanni;Mating Systems;ejaculate partitioning;Diopsidae;sperm depletion
- DOI:
- doi:10.5061/dryad.pk5vd
- 摘要:
- onal mating, females benefit from greatly increased fertility (proportion fertile eggs). Gains from multiple mating are not uniform across females; they are gre
Data from: Environmental and demographic drivers of male mating success vary across sequential reproductive episodes in a polygynous breeder
- 负责人:
- Manning, Jeffrey A.
- DOI:
- doi:10.5061/dryad.20p4g44
- 摘要:
- r, spatially explicit, mark-resight dataset and hierarchical mixed-effects linear modelling, we evaluated the influence of adult sex ratio (ASR) on mating
Data from: Temperature drives pre-reproductive selection and shapes the biogeography of a female polymorphism
- 负责人:
- DOI:
- doi:10.5061/dryad.gtht76hgt
- 摘要:
- s three female colour morphs, one of which is a male mimic. This polymorphism is maintained by frequency-dependent sexual conflict caused by male mating
Data from: Testing for local adaptation in adult male and female fitness among populations evolved under different mate competition regimes
- 负责人:
- DOI:
- doi:10.5061/dryad.1jv12nj
- 摘要:
- Mating/fertilization success and fecundity are influenced by sexual interactions among individuals, the nature and frequency of which can vary amo