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Data from: Development of genetic diversity, differentiation and structure over 500 years in four ponderosa pine populations
- 负责人:
- DOI:
- doi:10.5061/dryad.pc683
- 摘要:
- . At population sizes of approximately 100 individuals, allele accumulation saturated. Levels of genetic differentiation among populations (FST and Jost's Dest
Data from: Rapid buildup of genetic diversity in founder populations of the gynodioecious plant species Origanum vulgare after semi-natural grassland restoration
- 负责人:
- DOI:
- doi:10.5061/dryad.08gc2
- 摘要:
- oecious species Origanum vulgare in restored semi-natural grassland patches. We compared the genetic diversity and differentiation of fourteen recent populations
Data from: Parasitic mites influence intra- and interpopulational variation in sperm length in a simultaneous hermaphrodite land snail (Gastropo
- 负责人:
- DOI:
- doi:10.5061/dryad.q6686
- 摘要:
- Sperm morphology can be highly variable among species, but less is known about patterns of population differentiation within species
Data from: Population structure over a broad spatial scale driven by non-anthropogenic factors in a wide-ranging migratory mammal, Alaskan caribou
- 负责人:
- DOI:
- doi:10.5061/dryad.3hp5v
- 摘要:
- in population size, used 19 microsatellite loci to document genetic diversity and differentiation in Alaskan caribou, and examined the extent to which genetic differentiation
Data from: Genotypic diversity and differentiation among populations of two benthic freshwater diatoms as revealed by microsatellites
- 负责人:
- DOI:
- doi:10.5061/dryad.rg70p
- 摘要:
- periods of low genotypic diversity contribute to population differentiation, we also assessed genotypic diversity. While genotypic diversity was very high
Data from: Local prey community composition and genetic distance predict venom divergence among populations of the northern Pacific rattlesnake
- 负责人:
- DOI:
- doi:10.5061/dryad.rg098gq
- 摘要:
- phenotypes. We found that over half of the variation in venom composition is associated with among-population differentiation for geneti
Data from: Population genomics of the Anthropocene: urbanization is negatively associated with genome-wide variation in white-footed mouse
- 负责人:
- 关键词:
- Conservation Genetics Contemporary Evolution Ecological Genetics Population Genetics - Empirical
- DOI:
- doi:10.5061/dryad.d48f9
- 摘要:
- , human population density. We also report that urbanization results in enhanced genomewide differentiation between populations in cities. There was no patter
Data from: Secondary contact and local adaptation contribute to genome-wide patterns of clinal variation in Drosophila melanogaster
- 负责人:
- DOI:
- doi:10.5061/dryad.7440s
- 摘要:
- ns of clinal variation in these continents with patterns of differentiation among ancestral European and African populations. Using established and novel methods we der
Data from: Low but significant genetic differentiation underlies biologically meaningful phenotypic divergence in a large Atlantic salmon population
- 负责人:
- DOI:
- doi:10.5061/dryad.7t4n0
- 摘要:
- ence with extensive phenotypic and life history data to identify potential biological mechanisms driving fine-scale subpopulation differentiation in Atlanti
Data from: Dmrt1 polymorphism and sex-chromosome differentiation in Rana temporaria
- 负责人:
- DOI:
- doi:10.5061/dryad.vg7r3
- 摘要:
- ) and polymorphism at the candidate sex-determining gene Dmrt1 in two Alpine populations. Both populations harboured a diversity of X-linked and Y-linked Dmrt1