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Data from: A role for migration-linked genes and genomic islands in divergence of a songbird
Genomics\/Proteomics;Birds;speciation;Population Genetics - Empirical
ong a secondary contact zone. Here we use RAD-PE sequencing to test emerging hypotheses about the process of divergence at the level of the genome and identify ge
Data from: Quick divergence but slow convergence during ecotype formation in lake and stream stickleback pairs of variable age
quantitative genetics;stickleback;Morphometrics;Holocene;speciation;Gasterosteus aculeatus;Adaptation
ween our freshwater populations and the marine population. Interestingly, ecotypic divergence in low-dimensional phenotype space (i.e. single traits) is rapid and seem
Data from: Elucidating the spatio-temporal dynamics of an emerging wildlife pathogen using approximate Bayesian computation
spatio-temporal dynamic;population genetics;Tracheliastes polycolpus;pathogen;contemporan;Bayesian clustering;approximate Bayesian computation
ns, and tracing back their spatio-temporal dynamics, is crucial to understand the eco-evolutionary factors promoting their emergence, to control their spread
Data from: Early spring warming may hasten leaf emergence in Erythronium americanum
bud break;Liliaceae;leaf emergence;phenology;spring ephemeral;Erythronium americanum;Holocene;trout lily;climate change
activities. This study addressed whether Erythronium americanum Ker Gawl. (trout lily), a common spring ephemeral, can hasten its spring emergence if exposed
Data from: Divergent male and female mate preferences do not explain incipient speciation between lizard lineages
Ctenophorus decresii;Hybridisation;male-male competition;secondary contact;sexual selection
s are consistent with the emerging view that although both male and female mate preferences can diverge alongside sexual signals, speciation is rarely
Data from: Evolution of virulence in heterogeneous host communities under multiple trade-offs
basic reproductive rate;pathogens;ESS;pairwise invasion plot;Adaptive dynamics;dilution effect
us to understand virulence evolution in a broader range of situations that characterize many emerging diseases. Because emerging pathogens are by definition ne
Data from: Disentangling the role of phenotypic plasticity and genetic divergence in contemporary ecotype formation during a biological invasion
adaptive radiation;Phenotypic Plasticity;heritability;Holocene;speciation;Gasterosteus aculeatus
The occurrence of contemporary ecotype formation through adaptive divergence of populations within the range of an invasive species typically
Data from: Constraints on speciation suggested by comparing lake-stream stickleback divergence across two continents
Trophic morphology;biological invasion;ecological speciation;reproductive isolation;Ectodysplasin;Holocene;Gasterosteus aculeatus
Adaptation to ecologically distinct environments can coincide with the emergence of reproductive barriers. The outcome of this process is highly
Data from: Evolutionary history of the angiosperm flora of China
divergence time;spatial divergence pattern;null model;museum;recent diversification center;China;Angiosperm;Angiospermae;cradle;ancient preserving center;evolutionary history
the spatio-temporal divergence patterns of the Chinese flora using a dated phylogeny of 92% of the angiosperm genera for the region, a nearly complete species
Data from: Developmental constraints and resource environment shape early emergence and investment in spines in saplings
Developmental constraints;early emergence;large herbivore;prickle;resource environment;sapling;spine;thorn;spinescence
in herbivore-rich environments. Yet little effort has been directed at understanding the variability in spine emergence across saplings. 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