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Venezuela: An Analysis of the Food Security Situation in Venezuela
- 英文名称:
- Venezuela: An Analysis of the Food Security Situation in Venezuela
- 年份:
- 2022
- 出版地:
- Washington, DC, USA
- 语种:
- English
- 摘要:
- Food availability in Venezuela has improved since reaching an all-time low in 2019 as the result of informal dollarization of the economy, lower inflation, increased private sector activity, and a growth in domestic production and imports. But the improved situation is still insufficient to meet the food needs of the population. FAS estimates that per capita availability in 2021 of cereals, sugars, and vegetable fats covered 93.6 percent of the requirement to be food secure in Venezuela, while animal protein availability only covered 56.7 percent of the requirement. Affordability continues to be a critical factor affecting food security. During 2021, the United States supplied about 20 percent of Venezuela's agricultural supply of the five critical crops to food security. The outlook for Venezuela's food security will hinge on a continued modest economic recovery, increased agricultural production, and growing agricultural imports to fill the production gap and to meet growing consumption.