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Suriname Sector Competitiveness Analysis : Identifying Opportunities and Constraints to Investment and Diversification in the Agribusiness and Extractives Sectors
- 作者:
- World Bank Group
- 关键词:
- competitiveness; investment climate; agriculture; extractive industries; business environment; trade; export competitiveness; fisheries; Report;
- 年份:
- 2017
- 出版地:
- Washington,USA
- 语种:
- English
- 摘要:
- Suriname is a small economy driven by its abundant natural resources. As the commodity boom ended in recent years, however, the economy began to contract, reflecting Suriname’s dependence on the extractives sector. The Government of Suriname redistributes revenue earned from gold, oil, and bauxite through significant public sector employment. This report seeks to inform the Government of Suriname about strategies to diversify the economy, with a focus on increasing private investment and removing constraints to competitiveness in agriculture and extractives. This report provides policy recommendations to guide the Government of Suriname in its efforts to create an enabling environment that facilitates new investment and increased competitiveness in agriculture and extractives. This report presents the findings of an agribusiness sector scan to identify subsectors with high potential for investment attraction. This report analyzes the enabling environment for the extractives sector to identify options to attract new investment while at the same time better governing the extractive industries to achieve more positive and sustainable benefits for the economy and people of Suriname.
- Suriname Sector Competitiveness Analysis : Identifying Opportunities and Constraints to Investment and Diversification in the Agribusiness and Extractives Sectors
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