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Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook: May 2013
- 英文名称:
- Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook: May 2013
- 作者:
- Rachel Johnson
- 工作单位:
- USDA's Economic Research Service
- 关键词:
- livestock; dairy; poultry; sheep; lamb; beef; pork; cattle; hogs; milk; trade; exports; imports; production;
- 年份:
- 2013
- 出版地:
- Washington, DC, USA
- 总页数:
- 25 pp
- 语种:
- English
- 摘要:
- Pork and poultry production forecast higher in 2014, beef lower. Errata: On May 23, 2013, the U.S. red meat and poultry forecast table was corrected. The forecast for 2014 annual beef and veal imports was corrected from 755 million lb to 2,800 million lb.
- Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook: June 2013
- Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook: April 2013
- Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook: December 2012
- Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook: October 2012
- Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook: August 2013
- Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook: July 2013
- Livestock, Dairy, & Poultry Outlook: January 2013
- Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook: November 2013
- Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook: November 2012
- Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook: September 2013