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USDA ERS - Potential Variability in Commodity Support: Agriculture Risk Coverage and Price Loss Coverage Programs
- 英文名称:
- USDA ERS - Potential Variability in Commodity Support: Agriculture Risk Coverage and Price Loss Coverage Programs
- 作者:
- David Boussios ; Erik O'Donoghue
- 关键词:
- Farm Bill; Agriculture Risk Coverage; Price Loss Coverage; ARC; PLC; commodity support; risk coverage;
- 年份:
- 2019
- 出版地:
- Washington, DC, USA
- 总页数:
- 29 pp
- 语种:
- English
- The 2014 Farm Act Agriculture Risk Coverage, Price Loss Coverage, and Supplemental Coverage Option Programs' Effects on Crop Revenue
- USDA ERS - Federal Programs for Agricultural Risk Management
- Economic Aspects of Revenue-Based Commodity Support
- Alternatives to a State-Based ACRE Program: Expected Payments Under a National, Crop District, or County Base
- Program Provisions for Rye, Dry Edible Beans, Oil Crops, Tobacco, Sugar, Honey, Wool, Mohair, Gum Naval Stores, and Dairy Products: A Database for 1961-90
- Program Provisions for Program Crops: A Database for 1961-90
- New Opportunities and Old Constraints : The Context for Agriculture Sector Development in Serbia
- New Opportunities and Old Constraints : The Context for Agriculture Sector Development in Serbia
- Not Yet Up to Standard : The Legacy of Two Decades of Private, Governmental, and Donor Effects to Promote Ugandan Horticultural Exports
- The 2002 Farm Bill: Provisions and Economic Implications