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Vegetables and Melons Outlook: December 2005
- 英文名称:
- Vegetables and Melons Outlook: December 2005
- 作者:
- Gary Lucier; Alberto Jerardo
- 工作单位:
- USDA's Economic Research Service
- 关键词:
- tomatoes; potatoes; dry beans; dry peas; lentils; mushrooms; celery; fresh; processing; canned; frozen; prices; production; acres; trade; longrun outlook; exports; imports; supply; demand;
- 年份:
- 2005
- 出版地:
- Washington, DC, USA
- 总页数:
- 45 pp
- 语种:
- English
- 摘要:
- With total 2005 potato production down 7.5 percent, the January-October price received by growers/shippers/packers for fresh-market potatoes averaged $9.27 per cwt, 25 percent above the average received during the first 10 months of 2004. By contrast, prices for processing potatoes (which largely move under contract) averaged $5.20 per cwt, up only 1 percent from a year earlier.
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- USDA ERS - Vegetables and Pulses Outlook: May 2019
- USDA ERS - Vegetables and Pulses Outlook: September 2019
- USDA ERS - Vegetables and Pulses Outlook: December 2020
- Vegetables and Melons Outlook: August 2011
- USDA ERS - Vegetables and Pulses Outlook: April 2020