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- 关键词:
- 乡村规划; 农村建设; 改造;
- 年份:
- 1983
- 语种:
- 中文
- 摘要:
- 本文根据社会主义新村镇的规划与建设大体所分的三种建设情况,充分证明了村镇规划与建设应立足于旧村改造。
- 甘南县农村建设调查和区划
- 克山县农村建设调查和区划报告
- 旅顺口区农业资源调查与农业区划报告(村镇)
- Setting the Agenda for Further District Heating Reform in Ukraine
- Lebanon Reform, Recovery, and Reconstruction Framework
- Energy Subsidy Reform Assessment Framework : Designing Communication Campaigns for Energy Subsidy Reform
- Fisheries Policy Reform: National Experiences
- 中国渔业供给侧改革的关键点与展望
- The Potential Impact of Tax Reform on Farm Businesses and Rural Households
- The EU Sugar Policy Regime and Implications of Reform