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FPMA 简报, 2020年3月
- 英文名称:
- FPMA Bulletin March 2020
- 工作单位:
- Global Information and Early Warning System on Food and Agriculture (GIEWS) Trade and Markets Division (EST) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
- 关键词:
- 粮食价格; 稻米价格; 玉米价格; 主粮价格; 粗粮价格; 谷物价格; FPMA简报;
- 年份:
- 2019
- 出版地:
- Rome - Italy
- 语种:
- English
- 信息来源:
- 摘要:
- 该简报是《全球粮食价格简报》(2014年12月停刊)的升级版,对世界、区域和国家各级近期粮食价格走势进行报告,侧重于发展中国家。该简报全文为英文版,并有阿拉伯文、中文、法文、 西班牙文及俄文版摘要。 2019年刊发日期:2月12日, 3月12日,4月10日,5月13日,6月11日,7月10日,9月12日,10月10日,11月12日,12月11日。 本报告:FPMA 简报, 2020年3月 Ò Export prices of wheat and maize generally declined in February amid well-supplied global markets and uncertainties about the impact of Coronavirus on global demand. By contrast, international prices of rice strengthened, on a combination of demand from Far Eastern and East African buyers and tight availabilities in some exporting countries. Ò In Southern Africa, maize price increases eased reflecting improved prospects for the 2020 harvest, large import volumes and the effects of policies aimed at stabilizing prices. Prices, however, remained broadly higher, year on year, amid tight regional supplies. Ò In East Africa, prices of coarse grains declined seasonally in most countries of the subregion in February as the recently completed second season harvests improved market supplies. By contrast, in the Sudan, prices continued to soar and reached record highs in February due to a below-average 2019 cereal output coupled with high production and transportation costs. Ò In East Asia, prices of wheat flour in Pakistan declined from the record or near-record highs reached in January following Government measures and favourable production prospects for the about-to-start 2020 main season harvest.