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Southern Africa - Dry weather conditions reduce agricultural production prospects in 2019
- 年份:
- 2019
- 语种:
- English
- 信息来源:
- 摘要:
- 这些短小快报描述经历特殊粮食供应困局的国家或次区域的非正常粮食供应和农业形势,也警示国际社会采取措施。快报为英文版。可通过电子邮件接收这些报告。本报告:南部非洲 - 干旱天气降低2019年农业产量预期。 ? Delayed rains and below-average precipitation since October have reduced cereal production prospects and lowered pasture yields in western areas of Southern Africa. ? Rains picked up in late December across most of the subregion, partly alleviating moisture deficits.